- Fechas: 23, 24 y 25 de abril de 2024
- Horario: de 17:30 a 20:30 horas
- Inscripción: Listado de admisión
- Destinatarios: Ver programa
- Lugar: CEP de Torrelavega
- Duración/créditos: 9 horas / 1 crédito
- Plazas: 25
What are the current trends in language teaching? What should we be looking out for? This highly practical short course aims to explore and unpack some of these trends and consider the implications for our language classroom. Participants will also experience some practical examples, be encouraged to evaluate and reflect on them, and then consider how they can adapt them for their own context.
We hope that each participant will go away with an even better understanding of these trends, an injection of energy and motivation, and also with some new activities and ideas.
By the end of this 3-day-course participants should have
• gained a further understanding of some of the current trends in language education,
• experienced some classroom activities as students,
• reflected on the activities they experience and considered their own take aways,
• have had an opportunity to exchange ideas and activities, and also to share their thoughts.
The course will cover the following trends:
Day 1: Future-proofing our students
• 21st century learning skills
• Task-based learning
Day 2: Whose classroom is it anyway?
• Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
• The learner-centred classroom and student agency: voice & choice with responsibility.
Day 3: Language education in the digital age
• The use of L1, translanguaging and mediation
• The role of technology and AI
The first part of each session will be a presentation of the trend through PPT. Participants will then have the opportunity to experience a series of activities as students, take part in group and pair work, reflect and evaluate, and also share ideas and opinions with their classmates and the session leader.
Emma Heyderman has been involved in language teaching since 1989. She has worked for several well-known language schools, most recently, as Director of Education for Lacunza – International House, San Sebastian. Now freelance, Emma is a published author for Macmillan (Interface and Influence Today) and Cambridge (Compact Key and Complete Preliminary). She also runs workshops for teachers, is a regular speaker at national and international events, and is a consultant trainer for NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education).
1. Profesorado en activo de inglés y Disciplinas No Lingüísticas en inglés en Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato en centros educativos de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria*.
2. Profesorado en activo de inglés y Disciplinas No Lingüísticas en inglés en Enseñanza Primaria en centros educativos de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria*.
3. Resto del profesorado.
*Es obligatorio consignar esta circunstancia en el apartado DATOS COMPLEMENTARIOS del formulario de inscripción.
La realización de esta actividad formativa contribuye al desarrollo y mejora de la Competencia Digital Docente, pues se trabajan las siguientes competencias de su marco de referencia:
1.1. Comunicación organizativa 1.1.A.1.1
1.2. Participación, colaboración y coordinación personal 1.2.A.2.1
Duración: 9 horas / 1 crédito.
Plazas: 25
Lugar: CEP de Torrelavega
Fechas: 23, 24 y 25 de abril de 2024
Horario: de 17:30 a 20:30 horas.
A través de la web www.cepdecantabria.es
Plazo: Hasta el 17 de abril de 2024.
La lista de admitidos se publicará en la web el día 19 de abril. Las personas admitidas que decidan renunciar a su participación han de comunicarlo lo antes posible a la dirección de correo electrónico: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.