- Fechas: 3, 4 y 5 de marzo (sesiones presenciales) // 24 de marzo (sesión online)
- Horario: Sesiones presenciales: de 17:30 a 20:30 horas // Sesión online: de 17:30 a 19:30 horas
- Inscripción: Hasta el 17 de febrero
- Destinatarios: Ver programa
- Lugar: CEP de Torrelavega
- Duración/créditos: 17 horas / 1,5 créditos
- Plazas: 25
Bilingual and multilingual approaches, sustained by methodologies derived from CLIL, project-based learning and situaciones de aprendizaje (learning situations) are now the norm, not the exception - in European curricula. They usually thrive in a competence-based framework, such as that proposed by the new Spanish curriculum. This 11-hour (9 + 2) practical course will help teachers to focus on techniques for their bilingual classrooms, to identify the kind of language that their students need, and to identify and analyze the types of classroom interactions that can help to foster the learning of content through a second language. The course will also look at how teachers can design or adapt their own materials, and how a language-sensitive approach to learning through a second language can also enhance the methodology used in the parallel native-language curriculum.
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By the end of this training period, participants will be able to:
● identify the characteristics of academic language in school subjects
● consider techniques to scaffold language and to make key language visible/salient
● understand and use the 3-dimensional model of content
● write content objectives using a 3-dimensional model
● write a learning situation for a key topic
● consider a range of assessment techniques for situations and competences
● reflect on the group task, its demands and implications for professional development
The course will cover the following content:
- Face-to-Face Session 1 (March 3, 2025): The basic premises of bilingual education and CLIL: The language of school subjects/disciplines. Task: (identifying key language).
- Face-to-Face Session 2 (March 4, 2025): What is ‘content’? The 3-dimensional model and how to write objectives. Task: Writing objectives for a series of lessons.
- Face-to-Face Session 3 (March 5, 2025): What is a learning situation – and how can we apply them to bilingual learning contexts? Group task: sketching a situation to then complete in online cooperative task for final online session (March 24th)
- Session 4 (March 24, 2025): ONLINE SESSION from 17.30 to 19.30 hours. Feedback & wrap it up!
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The methodology is designed to ensure that participants not only gain theoretical knowledge but also develop practical skills that can be applied in their classrooms. The course will blend theoretical input with practical activities to illustrate the key points. The course is designed to be engaging, and to therefore promote active engagement!
Phil Ball is based in San Sebastián in Spain. He is the author of the book ‘Putting CLIL into Practice’ (OUP 2016) and his CLIL textbook series ‘Subject Projects’ was nominated for the ELTONS Innovation Award in London. He is module leader on the MA CLIL degree for NILE (University of Chichester) in England and his work has included consultancy projects in Slovakia, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Austria, Japan and Qatar. He has been involved in several European-based CLIL projects, and has written a wide variety of CLIL-based textbooks for the Basque and Spanish social science and English language programmes. He co-designed the new ‘CLIL Essentials’ online course for the British Council and works at the University of the Basque Country (UPV) training lecturers to deliver their subjects through English. He also works with vocational teachers at the University of Vienna and lectures on the OTA masterclasses at Christ Church, Oxford University.
La realización de esta actividad formativa contribuye al desarrollo y mejora de la Competencia Digital Docente, pues se trabajan las siguientes competencias de su marco de referencia:
1.1. Comunicación organizativa 1.1.A.1.1
1.2. Participación, colaboración y coordinación personal 1.2.A.2.1.
1. Profesorado en activo de inglés y Disciplinas No Lingüísticas en inglés en Enseñanza Secundaria en centros educativos de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria*.
2. Profesorado en activo de inglés y Disciplinas No Lingüísticas en inglés en Enseñanza Primaria en centros educativos de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria*.
3. Resto del profesorado.
*Es obligatorio consignar esta circunstancia en el apartado DATOS COMPLEMENTARIOS del formulario de inscripción.
Orden de inscripción según la prelación de destinatarios.
Duración: 17 horas / 1,5 créditos
Plazas: 25
Lugar: CEP de Torrelavega
Fechas: 3, 4 y 5 de marzo (sesiones presenciales) // 24 de marzo (sesión online)
Horario: Sesiones presenciales: de 17:30 a 20:30 horas // Sesión online: de 17:30 a 19:30 horas
{tab INSCRIPCIÓN|grey}
A través de la web www.cepdecantabria.es
Plazo: Hasta el 17 de febrero de 2025.
La lista de admitidos se publicará en la web el día 21 de febrero de 2025. Las personas admitidas que decidan renunciar a su participación han de comunicarlo lo antes posible a la dirección de correo electrónico: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Es obligatorio inscribirse en esta actividad con la cuenta oficial del dominio institucional Educantabria. cualquier inscripción realizada con otro dominio no será válida. Es obligatorio consignar la inscripción con los datos de identificación completos, tal y como constan en los NIF de los participantes.
Asistencia, como mínimo, al 85% de las sesiones, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente (Orden EDU/41/2009).
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Asesoría de Primaria Lenguas Extranjeras del CEP de Torrelavega (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.)