- Fechas: 3, 4 y 5 de febrero de 2025
- Horario: de 17:30 a 20:30 horas
- Inscripción: Listado de admitidos
- Destinatarios: Ver Programa
- Lugar: CEP de Torrelavega
- Duración/créditos: 9 horas / 1 crédito
- Plazas: 25
“If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed.” Barry Lopez
Earth is a complicated place to navigate. Fortunately, the UN’s Education for Sustainable Development provides a veritable road map for this journey. It is never too soon to start out, and pre-school and primary classrooms are the perfect setting. In these hands-on sessions I plan to share some of my favourite stories, songs and other activities for working on Sustainable Development Goals in the primary ELT classroom. SDG stories, songs and activities can work on concepts crucial in the development of the whole child, engaging them in experiences that will make them aware of the difference they can make to the world they live in.
- By learnt about the What, When, Why and How? about weaving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals into their primary classes;
- Reflected on and chosen the best stories to work on SDGs;
- Experienced songs and activities to work on the concepts of SDGs;
- Had an opportunity to exchange ideas and activities, and also to share their thoughts.
Day 1: Starting out with SDG stories.
- Looking at stories and activities to integrate SDGs into your classes.
- Considering how you might use and enhance the stories.
- Reflect on the importance of kindness in our classrooms.
Day 2: Selecting Sustainable Stories and Songs for the Primary classroom.
- Reflecting on the stories and songs in Day 1.
- Selecting and adapting stories and songs you may already know.
Day 3: Encouraging Kindness in Primary English Classes.
- If young children can learn kindness through example and experience, as English teachers in the primary context, SEL (Social and emotional learning) needs to be an important part of our teaching.
- Encouraging the children in our classes to be kind to others, to animals and to their planet will help us work towards making our schools, communities and the children’s world a whole lot kinder and better, whilst working towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The three sessions will be very hands-on. Participants will take part in activities and have the opportunity to discuss with colleagues, sharing variations they do in their classes. They will also plan activities to use in class.
Vanessa Reilly is a pre-primary and primary teacher passionate about helping children become confident learners of English and supporting their teachers to facilitate this. She is a teacher trainer and author of many books for pre-school and primary children for Oxford University Press including All about us now. She also has an M.A. in English Language Teaching specializing in very young learners (with Distinction) from the University of Warwick. She likes recording videos with ideas for busy primary teachers:
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Duración: 9 horas / 1 crédito
Plazas: 25
Lugar: CEP de Torrelavega
Fechas: 3, 4 y 5 de febrero de 2025
Horario: de 17:30 a 20:30 horas
A través de la web www.cepdecantabria.es
Plazo: Hasta el 27 de enero de 2025. La lista de admitidos se publicará en la web el día 30 de enero de 2025. Las personas admitidas que decidan renunciar a su participación han de comunicarlo lo antes posible a la dirección de correo electrónico: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Asistencia, como mínimo, al 85% de las sesiones, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente (Orden EDU/41/2009).
Es obligatorio inscribirse en esta actividad con la cuenta oficial del dominio institucional Educantabria. cualquier inscripción realizada con otro dominio no será válida. Es obligatorio consignar la inscripción con los datos de identificación completos, tal y como constan en los NIF de los participantes.