1. What do you know about the needs of your students, your school, and
education in general?
2. Does CEFR and CLIL affect your teaching? and students' learning?
3. How is PISA affecting the transformation?
1. To enthuse teachers about teaching for mastery, inspiring their students to be positive, active, participatory learners.
2. To obtain more oral fluency in the classroom.
3. To promote the use of critical thinking to sustain students' interest.
4. To provide teachers with research and knowledge of how languages are best-learned and retained.
DAY 1: Introduction to the background of language learning: Dr. Lev Vygotsky, Dr. Stephen Krashen, CEFR, CLIL, promoting oral fluency...What would we like to improve? Developing a misión statement.
DAY 2: Implementing techniques to promote teachers' use of critical thinking, stimulating students' interest: Dr. Robert Marzano, Dr. Joseph Renzulli, the correct use and implementation of collaborative learning.
DAY 3: The role of administration in supporting teachers and a great English program, organization of your working time, Dr. Steven Covey, research on change implementation and eventual transformation of your classes: Dr, Michael Fullan, research by Villa and Thousand. FINALLY: How will this course affect me? How can I improve? Why? What will I begin to do to provide a better learning climate for my students? What's my PLAN OF ACTION?
1. Didactic material presented ,using Power Point, white board, and lecture.
2. Collaborative mini-lessons
3. Oral participation during the presentation.
4. Research-based discussion
5. Self-assessment of current teaching practices
6. Developing their mission statement as a teacher/administrator
7. Developing in teams a Plan of Action.
8. Individual assessment of the course.
Elaine Gallagher has 50 years of experience in education, teaching at all levels (primary, ESO,high school, and university. The past 15 years she has been giving talks to teachers, school directors, governments, students, and parents, with the goal of changing education, supporting bilingual education, oral fluency in two or more languages, exhibiting critical thinking, and strong digital skills.
Salón de actos, CEP de Cantabria. La Albericia, Santander.
4, 5 y 6 de mayo.
HORARIO: 18:00 a 21:00.
A través de la web:
hasta el domingo 3 de mayo de 2015 (la lista de preinscritos se publicará en la misma web el 4 de mayo de 2015 a las 12 horas)