The necessarily complex process of Education evolution in different countries can definitely be optimized with the comparison and enrichment of methodology and techniques of different teaching procedures from different contexts. Trying to participate with, compare and take advantage of teaching methods, resources and techniques implemented in the USA may bring us, teachers in Cantabria, the chance to rethink and observe the possibility of applying new teaching approaches into our classes.
• To work with teachers of Cantabria to develop a mutual understanding of education systems in the U.S. and Spain.
• To disseminate and practice methods of teaching utilized in American classrooms.
• To compare and contrast Spanish and American methodologies with the objective of creating the best possible classroom leadership style for optimal language learning.
Day1: School in the United States.
• Overview of school system from primary through secondary.
• What is the role of teachers and students?
• Homework and Expectations in the High School System.
• The role of testing (standardized and private)
Day 2: Technology in the Classroom.
• Achieving technological proficiency from a young age.
• Social media versus real technological proficiency.
• Research and techniques of guiding independent research.
• Flipped classrooms.
Day 3: Group Work.
• Jigsaw groups (theoretical and sample)
• Expert groups.
• Think/Pair/Share/Group Projects.
• Student centered learning vs. teacher centered learning => TAL.
Day 4: Peer reviews/rubric building that is student centered.
• Peer edit writing workshops.
Practice constructive criticism.
Think from many perspectives.
Teacher not the only authority.
• Peer feedback in spoken work.
Day 5: Student reflection, assessment and portfolios.
• Types of assessment (group, individual, formal, informal, planned, unplanned)
• Student accountability and self-grading.
• KWL charts.
• Portfolios and unit reflection.
Active and participative, teachers will be asked to fulfill a specific task based on the resources proposed by the facilitator.
Allyson Voss is a Fulbright Scholar from the United States of America. In 2013 she earned her Bachelor´s Degree in Spanish, Sociology and Anthropology from Gustavus Adolphus College, a campus located in the frigid northern state of Minnesota. Her passions for Spanish and Education have brought her to teach Global Classrooms for a year in Torrelavega after which she will return to the US to teach bilingual education as a member of the Teach for America Corp.
Horario: 18:00 a 21:00 horas.
Plazas: 25.
Profesorado de inglés de cualquier etapa educativa que esté prestando servicios en centros docentes sostenidos con fondos públicos de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria en el curso 2013-2014.
A través de la web:
Hasta el 4 de marzo de 2014.
La lista de admitidos se publicará en la misma web el día 5 de marzo.