- Fechas: 8, 13 y 15 de febrero de 2023
- Horario: de 17:00 a 20:00 h.
- Destinatarios: Profesorado en activo especialista en inglés.
- Lugar: CEP de Laredo
- Duración/créditos: 9 h / 1 crédito
- Plazas: 25
One of the main aims of stage according to our education law 3/2020, December 29th (LOMLOE) is to acquire the communicative competence in at least one foreign language so that students can produce simple messages and be able to handle daily life situations. Our current curriculum for primary education described in D/66/2022, July 7th is based on the orientations settled by the Council of Europe, which gives special priority to the 4 basic language skills.
This course will explore how we as teachers can use drama,
movement, language, sound and rhythm to enhance pupils’ learning and enthusiasm for learning at different stages of their development.
⦁ Enlarge your personal repertoire of creative activities.
⦁ Improve mood and atmosphere in the classroom.
⦁ Encourage positive behaviour and enthusiasm for learning in your pupils.
⦁ Explore how drama, movement, rhythm and sound can be used in the classroom.
There will be a combination of trainer input, improvisation, performance, practical demonstrations, pair and group work, experiential learning, discussion and reflection activities. Teachers will be encouraged to participate, share ideas and work in groups in order to present short pieces to the rest of the group.
Duración: 9 horas / 1 crédito
Plazas: 25 plazas
Lugar: CEP de Laredo Fechas: 8, 13 y 15 de febrero Horario: 17:00h a 20:00h.
Inscripción: A través de la web www.cepdecantabria.es
Plazo: hasta el 6 de febrero a las 12:00 horas
La relación de admitidos y admitidas se publicará en la página web del CEP el día de 7 de febrero 2023 a partir de las 13 horas. Las personas admitidas en el curso que renuncien a su participación o no puedan acudir a la primera sesión, deberán comunicarlo al mail Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
(*De no comunicar la ausencia a la primera sesión, se entenderá que se renuncia al curso, admitiendo a los/las docentes en reserva por orden de inscripción)
Es OBLIGATORIO utilizar la cuenta institucional de EDUCANTABRIA para realizar
la inscripción y aprovechar el curso. *
Maria Walker
Maria has been a teacher in private and state settings for over 25 years. She began her career in ELT in northern Spain. She went on to train in France and Germany as a Waldorf Educator – a pedagogical alternative which centres around using movement, music, art and theatre to meet the developmental stages of the growing child and young person. She has worked as a Waldorf Educator in Germany, England and Spain. She is also a British State School trained teacher holding a PGCE in Modern Foreign Languages and Qualified Teacher Status. She has developed and led many Teacher Training Sessions in the different schools. She has produced a repertoire of shortened plays for schools including: The Lion King, The Arabian Nights, Oliver Twist and Fiddler on the Roof.